
Physiological responses of Populus sibirica to different irrigation regimes for reforestation in arid area

This study was conducted in Elsen tasarkhai, an arid region inMongolia, to investigate the physiological response of Populus sibirica to different irrigation regimes and to suggest optimal irrigation intervals for successful reforestation in Mongolia. Two-year-old P. sibirica seedlings were planted, and three different irrigation regimes (well-watered (WW), irrigation every 2 days; moderate drought (MD), irrigation every 5 days; severe drought (SD), irrigation every 7 days)were applied. Although the survival rate was unaffected by the appliedwater deficit intensity, the relative growth rate was significantly reduced in SD in accordance with a decline in carbon assimilation. Although the total chlorophyll content also decreased as the water deficit increased, the chlorophyll b (Chl b) and total carotenoid (Car T) levels increased to dissipate the excess energy. Increased quantum efficiencies in the SD conditionwere caused by the enlargement of the reaction center (RC) antenne, indicating increased of excess energy dissipation. Therefore, P. sibirica showed resistance to a certain degree of water deficit intensity (MD and SD). The irrigation regime of SD appeared to be adequate for P. sibirica based on survival rate and physiological traits. These results might enlighten the development of effective irrigation systems in arid area.

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Зохиогч T.Y. Lee a, S.M. Je a, M.J. Kwak a, K. Akhmadi b, E. Tumurbaatar b, I. Khaine a, H.K. Lee a, J.H. Janga, H.N. Kima, H.J. Ahn a, S.Y.Woo a,⁎
Сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2020 11-р сар 22, 16:53 (UTC)
Үүссэн 2020 11-р сар 22, 16:53 (UTC)