

The Terelj river basin area soil characterized by specifics such as high organic peat accumulation, acid reaction and no-carbonate even the steppe soils. The relitively low elevated mountains and warmer humid climate condition comparing by Khangai Khuvsgul mountain region, is main nature factor of soil forming process of Terelj river basin area. Forest soils area dominated and Taiga-cryomorphic, Taiga-derno soils occupied 37.6 % of total area of basin, Peat soil - 9.7 %, mountain steppe Stony Chernozem, Stony Kastanozem soil-7.6 %, steppe Chernozem, Kastanozem soil -3.8 % of area, respectively. In the river valley bushy-meadow-boggy area soil accumulated 4050 cm thick orgainic peat material. Calculated total soil water resource (SWR) of Terelj river basin area and value is 0.125 km3. Bushy-meadow-boggy area Peat soil have a 51.3 %, and forest soil - 39.1 % of SWR from whole basin SWR. The wetland of Khentei mountain rivers upstream area is main source of surface water resource. Due of human impact in the lower part Terelj river basin area soil degradation is increasing.

Өгөгдөл ба материал

Нэмэлт мэдээлэл

Талбар Утга
Эх сурвалж “Тэрэлж голын сав газар, геосистем”. Эрхэлсэн О.Батхишиг ба бусад. Газарзүйн хүрээлэн ШУА. Улаанбаатар
Зохиогч О. Батхишиг
Арчлагч Т.Тэлмэн
Сүүлийн шинэчлэл 2020 9-р сар 28, 07:53 (UTC)
Үүссэн 2020 9-р сар 28, 07:52 (UTC)